
Your identity server is just a standard ASP.NET Core appplication including the IdentityServer middleware. Read the official Microsoft documentation on publishing and deployment first.

One common question is how to configure ASP.NET Core correctly behind a load-balancer or a reverse proxy. Check this github issue for more info.

Configuration data

This typically includes:

  • resources
  • clients
  • startup configuration, e.g. key material

All of that configuration data must be shared by all instances running your identity server. For resources and clients you can either implement IResourceStore and IClientStore from scratch - or you can use our built-in support for Entity Framework based databases.

Startup configuration is often either hardcoded or loaded from a configuration file or environment variables. You can use the standard ASP.NET Core configuration system for that (see documentation).

One important piece of startup configuration is your key material, see here for more details on key material and cryptography.

Operational data

For certain operations, IdentityServer needs a persistence store to keep state, this includes:

  • issuing authorization codes
  • issuing reference and refresh tokens
  • storing consent

If any of the above features are used, you need an implementation of IPersistedGrantStore - by default IdentityServer injects an in-memory version. Again you can use our EF Core based one, build one from scratch, or use a community contribution.